
As a stress expert, Dr. Rebecca Heiss is dedicated to helping us overcome our instinctual limitations – the ancient, often subconscious fears that hold us back from our optimal performance and our happiest lives. Her research has been designated “transformative” by the National Science Foundation and it is changing lives across the globe. 

Author of acclaimed book Instinct, founder and CEO of the 360-review mobile application, icueity, and highly sought-after professional speaker, Rebecca has found her calling in helping others recognize the power of biological applications in their lives.

​​Today her focus is working with clients to stop the pursuit of happy, and instead SPARK HAPPY with the help of her yearlong Spark happy experience. Informed by the latest neuroscience on imposter syndrome, stress and anxiety, and positive psychology, Rebecca’s fear(less) message inspires hope and actionable insights to train our brains to work for us, rather than against us, especially in times of uncertainty. With surprising humor and palpable energy, Dr. Heiss, wins over audiences around the world with her interactive, inspiring and timely takeaways.

Hardwiring Happiness: The Biology Of Satisfaction & Success

2022-06-02T17:00:00-04:00 2022-06-07T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, June 2nd 17:00 EDT (45 minutes)

Rebecca Heiss

  • Founder & CEO of Icuity, and Bestselling Author of Instinct
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When do people become truly happy? When they are rich? Skinny? Retired? Successful? Compelling scientific evidence suggests that happiness never follows these things. Happiness precedes them.

In this session, you’ll explore the need for your clients to stop chasing success, and instead, finding happiness. You’ll examine the neuroscience behind why our brains work against us, causing excessive stress, and feelings of imposter syndrome. Plus, discover 3 essential steps for true happiness and subsequent, unparalleled success.

  1. Understand and use the science that demonstrates that success does not lead to happiness, but rather, happiness leads to success.
  2. Recognize how visualization can support success and how to take advantage of the neurology behind it.
  3. Understand their self-sabotaging biology that keeps you trapped in negative thinking and how to live-wire the brain for better.


Hardwiring Happiness: The Science of Satisfaction and Success

2023-03-16T17:00:00-04:00 2023-03-21T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, March 16th 17:00 EDT (90 minutes)

Rebecca Heiss

  • Founder & CEO of Icuity, and Bestselling Author of Instinct
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EMCC Reflective Questions


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Most people believe they’ll be happy once they are finally successful. However, To help clients live their most productive, healthy and purposeful lives, coaches must help them to stop chasing the outcome, and spark happiness from within.

In this session, you’ll take a deep dive into priming, stretching, and practicing happiness. Learn to help your clients to rewire their brains, utilize visualization techniques, and discover success and satisfaction in their lives.

  1. Understand and use the science that demonstrates that success does not lead to happiness, but rather, happiness leads to success (and dive deeper into internal and external ways to affect change).
  2. Recognize how visualization can support success and how to take advantage of the neurology behind it (including case studies and ways to avoid the learned helplessness that befalls most people).
  3. Understand their self-sabotaging biology that keeps you trapped in negative thinking and how to live-wire the brain for better (with a deep dive into discomfort exercises and counterfacts).
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