
John V. Petrocelli is an experimental social psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University.  He is the author of The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit.  Petrocelli’s research examines the causes and consequences of bullshit and bullshitting in the way of better understanding and improving bullshit detection and disposal.  His research contributions also include attitudes and persuasion and the intersections of counterfactual thinking with learning, memory and decision making.  His research has appeared in the top journals of his field including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  Petrocelli also serves an Associate Editor of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.  He keeps a steady schedule of teaching social psychology and judgment and decision making courses, as well as professional speaking as a BrightSight Speaker.

Navigating Bulls**t in the Workplace

2022-08-11T09:00:00-04:00 2022-08-16T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, August 11th 9:00 EDT (90 minutes)

John V. Petrocelli

  • Professor of Psychology & Bestselling Author
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Whether from colleagues, meetings, or the marketplace of business ideas, business leaders encounter bulls**t that plagues their judgments, beliefs, and decisions. How can untruths and misleading information be better detected?

In this session, you’ll directly address commonly encountered bulls**t in the workplace and its unwanted effects, in the way of better detection, better disposal, and better decisions. You’ll also examine the benefits of paying more heed to evidence-based communication and reasoning.

  1. A better understanding of the conditions under which business leaders are most likely to encounter bullshit positions them to better detect, and dispose of, bulls**t.
  2. Better understanding of the consequences of bulls**t, and the critical questions to ask suspecting bullsh**tters, facilitate optimal decision making in the workplace.
  3.  A better understanding of the many benefits of relying on evidence-based communication and reasoning positions business leaders to make better decisions from hiring to investments to marketing and mergers.
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