Arti Kashyap-Aynsley started her career by qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, whilst also embarking on a 15 year journey in the Professional Services Sector. She has worked between all of audit, tax and advisory services, spending the largest chunk of her time in the world of Management Consulting, where she focused on large scale Finance Transformation programmes that had her looking at strategy, learning and development, stakeholder and change management, technology implementations, process improvement, executive coaching and other things alike. Working and traveling the globe opened Arti’s eyes up to the impacts of what our working lives can have on our overall wellbeing, along with the truth behind not being able to easily compartmentalise the lives we live between home and work. With the experience she gained in her career, she decided to pivot a few years ago into the world of wellbeing, where she first worked with Deloitte in Consulting in the UK, to design, develop and deliver on a comprehensive wellbeing strategy that was linked to the overall business focus. By being able to create positive shifts and change in the business, Arti was inspired to continue to grow in this area and is now leading the Ocado Group Globally from a wellbeing standpoint. Outside of her day to day working life Arti continues to emulate a life committed to the wellbeing agenda as she is also a qualified life coach and personal trainer, as well as an Advisor to various organisations from a responsible business standpoint.
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