
Dr. Ruth Gotian is the Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine. She has been hailed by the journal Nature and Columbia University as an expert in mentorship and leadership development. In 2021, she was selected as one of 30 people worldwide to be named to the Thinkers50 Radar List, dubbed the Oscars of management thinking. Recently, she won the Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement – Radar Award given to a “thinker with the potential to change the world of theory and practice” and cemented her place as the #1 emerging management thinker in the world. She is also a semi-finalist for the Forbes 50 Over 50 list. In addition to publishing in academic journals, she is a contributor to Forbes and Psychology Today where she writes about ‘optimizing success’. Her research is about the mindset and skill set of peak performers, including Nobel Prize winners, astronauts and Olympic champions. Her book, The Success Factor, is out now and has already made the Amazon new release best seller list.

Virtual Networking: Connecting From A Distance

2022-06-03T13:00:00-04:00 2022-06-07T03:00:00-04:00 Friday, June 3rd 13:00 EDT (45 minutes)

Ruth Gotian

  • Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine
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How can we network effectively when people are working from home, conferences are canceled, and there is no water cooler around which to congregate?

In this session, you’ll discover actionable tips for remote networking that can be implemented immediately. You’ll examine how the person with the microphone is not the only person worth your time, how to build relationships from a distance, and how you should always offer something before asking for anything.

  1. The person with the microphone is not the only person worth your time and effort.
  2. Networking is about building relationships with interesting people.
  3. Offer something before you ask for anything.


How to Coach High Achievers

2022-09-15T17:00:00-04:00 2022-09-20T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, September 15th 17:00 EDT (90 minutes)

Ruth Gotian

  • Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine
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Did you know that high achievers are 400% more productive than average employees? Whilst some leaders are all about retaining the high achievers on the team, and not paying the rest enough attention, it’s time to reimagine this strategy to make sure everyone is motivated, valued and supported.

In this session, you’ll discover how to elevate the bar of success for your leadership clients, so that they can transform their ‘high potentials’ into high achievers.

  1. High achievers have different needs and motivators than average employees. Knowing what those are and learning how to leverage them will set you apart.
  2. High achievers need different rewards. A bonus is great, but not if everyone is getting the same amount.
  3. Mentoring and coaching high performers requires a different skill set. What works for others, will not work for them.
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