
Marion Franklin, MCC is a gifted coach who is exceptionally dedicated to her clients and is sought after for her laser–like approach and direct communication She brings vast experience to her work, and she continuously helps clients and coaches change their lives and reach their potential. 

Marion’s book, The HeART of Laser-Focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching was written for coaches at all experience levels. It has already sold over 21,000 copies and has been highly acclaimed by seasoned coaches. Often, she has been an invited guest author to discuss her material with coaches who have formed book clubs.

In the past, she served as an examiner for two University Executive coaching programs. She has presented several Coaching Core Competencies at various ICF Conferences and ICF chapters.

For 12 years, she attended the School of Practical Philosophy that emphasizes putting philosophical principles into practical terms. She is a member of ICF – New York City Chapter and has a master’s degree in Business and in Education, co–founded a healthcare publishing company, and taught High School Business Education. In her spare time, Marion takes drawing classes and plays bridge and resides in Tarrytown, New York.

Shift Happens: Masterful Ways to Evoke Awareness

2023-05-04T17:00:00-04:00 2023-05-09T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, May 4th 17:00 EDT
(90 minutes)

Marion Franklin

  • Globally-Recognized Master Coach, Mentor and Teacher
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Focus and emphasis is on evoking awareness from a perspective that creates transformational shifts versus temporary solutions. How can you masterfully help clients shift thought patterns and gain insights?

In this session, you’ll explore the reasons why clients claim they want to change, but don’t. Learn how to motivate clients to make a desired change and move through perceived fear, as well as how to recognize statements that contain limiting perceptions.

  1. Evaluate the depth of a shift that has taken place by assessing if it’s transactional or transformational based on the distinctions discussed.
  2. Identify a perceived limitation and/or ‘leverage point’ by asking questions that demonstrate one of the methods learned to create transformational shifts.
  3. Adapt a technique for ascertaining the client’s new awareness (and action) by having the client do the summarizing.
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