
Dr. Lance Secretan is the world’s top authority on inspirational leadership, a trailblazing teacher, advisor and expert on corporate culture, whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing retreats have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. He is the author of 21 books about leadership, inspiration, corporate culture and entrepreneurship as well as an award-winning memoir, A Love Story, and he is the co-author of dozens more. His latest book is The Bellwether Effect. Lance is a riveting speaker and is acknowledged globally as one of our most insightful and original leadership teachers.

He is the former CEO of a Fortune 100 company, university professor, award-winning columnist, poet, author and outdoor athlete. He coaches and advises leaders globally (he is ranked among both The Top 30 Most Influential Executive Coaches and The Top 30 Most Influential Leadership Experts globally), and guides leadership teams who wish to transform their culture into the most inspirational in their industries.

Individuals, entire organizations, cities and states have experienced remarkable transformations through his unique mentoring, coaching, wisdom and approach. He has helped 6 companies to be named to Fortune’s Best Companies to Work for in America list, 8 others are also his clients, and 30 Secretan Center clients are on Fortune’s Most Admired Companies list. Speakers in America ranks him among the Top Five Leadership speakers and his firm, The Secretan Center, Inc., is ranked #1 in the world as an international Leadership Consulting firm by Leadership Excellence.

Dr. Secretan is the recipient of many other awards, including the International Caring Award, whose previous winners include, Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama, President Jimmy Carter and Dr. Desmond Tutu. He is the Chair of the Pay it Forward Foundation, and former Chair of the Advisory Board of the Special Olympics World Winter Games. He is an expert skier, kayaker and mountain biker, and he divides his time between Ontario, Canada and the Colorado Rockies.

GROUP COACHING DEMO: Inspiration in the Cloud

2022-08-04T09:00:00-04:00 2022-08-09T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, August 4th 9:00 EDT (90 minutes)

Lance Secretan

  • Inspirational Leadership Expert & Bestselling Author
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EMCC Reflective Questions


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A single word can be enough to inspire a deep conversation. In coaching, selecting a keyword to encourage a client to open up and share their experiences can be extremely powerful and impactful.

In this session, you’ll discover small bites of valuable wisdom to deepen the conversation around a keyword, using an exciting, one-of-a-kind, multimedia format. You’ll explore how this technique can dramatically increase work performance and life satisfaction.

  1. A breakthrough Group Coaching concept.
  2. How to build a deep spiritual connection between members of the group being coached.
  3. Low cost and extremely effective way to inspire action and connection.
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