
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and clinical neuroscientist whose passion is to help people see the power of the mind to change the brain and find their purpose in life. She is the author of Cleaning up Your Mental Mess and Think, Learn, Succeed, among many other books and journal articles, and her videos, podcasts, and TV episodes have reached more than 30 million globally. She currently teaches at various academic, medical, and neuroscience conferences, as well as in spiritual venues and churches around the world. Dr. Leaf and her husband, Mac, live in Dallas/Fort Worth and Miami.

Cleaning Your Mental Mess: The Mind-Brain-Body Connection

2022-06-07T13:00:00-04:00 2022-06-14T03:00:00-04:00 Tuesday, June 7th 13:00 EDT
(45 minutes)

Caroline Leaf

  • Communication Pathologist, Clinical Neuroscientist & Author
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A person’s ‘mental mess’ is made up of things such as toxic thoughts, depression and anxiety. These things are frequently aggravated by a chaotic world and sustained by an inability to manage runaway mindsets. 

In this session, you’ll examine the difference between the mind and the brain. You’ll also discover how the Neurocycle mind management technique can help reduce anxiety and depression; plus how to be aware of and manage toxic thoughts.

  1. Overview of the science of the mind/brain/body connection and how the pattern of the brain and body follow the pattern of the mind.
  2. The concept of mind-management as a life skill.
  3. Introduction to the Neurocycle and a way a system of mind-directed neuroplasticity.

Cleaning Your Mental Mess: The Mind-Brain-Body Connection

2023-03-09T17:00:00-05:00 2023-03-14T03:00:00-04:00 Thursday, March 9th 17:00 EST
(90 minutes)

Caroline Leaf

  • Communication Pathologist, Clinical Neuroscientist & Author
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Neither you or your clients should accept your ‘mental mess’ of stress, depression and anxiety as ‘the new normal’. There is hope and help available, and peak happiness is often more attainable than you think.

In this session, you’ll explore how you can use science to help your clients become more aware of toxic thoughts, so they can manage them better. You’ll also discover how to develop resilience and intelligence through brain building.

  1. The impact of the mind on the brain and body and the fact that the brain treats toxic thoughts in the same way it treats a virus or bacteria.
  2. What are thoughts with their embedded emotions and choices, and how we can edit neural codes?
  3. How habits are built over 63 days not 21?
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