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Practitioner Certification


36hrsTotal Live Learning

16hrsPracticum Sessions

8hrsLive Core Learning Sessions

72ICF CCEUs Claim up to 72 ICF CCE units or 72 learning hours for the ACTC. -  programs tde sq p 1 -  programs tde sq p 2 -  programs tde sq p 3 -  programs tde sq p 4

Why become a Certified Practitioner in Systemic Team Coaching®?

The world is changing at an alarming rate and organizations need teams that can adapt and keep pace. There is enormous demand for Team Coaches who can steer them through these ongoing transitions.

Most organizations need you to come in, and use a structured and planned approach, work with their teams to set a vision, improve team dynamics and set people on a path for growth and enhanced performance.

You’re expected to bring best practices and research from team and organizational development. You will need to go beyond simply helping their team relate better internally, and coach them to co-create great value with and for all their stakeholders.

Are you prepared? -  ..  programs tde ty banner intro background

Introducing -  programs tde sq tde logo label

Practitioner Certification

Learn live with Prof. Peter Hawkins and Dr. Catherine Carr to
Become a Certified Practitioner in Systemic Team Coaching


36hrsTotal Live Learning

16hrsPracticum Sessions

8hrsLive Core Learning Sessions

72ICF CCEUs Claim up to 72 ICF CCE units or 72 learning hours for the ACTC.

Taught in over 50 countries to over 3,000 professionals.

This certification course brings together authoritative experience and guidance from leading thought leaders, practitioners and researchers in the field. Learn practical tools and approaches, and have the opportunity to practice the learning in live action simulation, in preparation for application with client teams.

Prof. Peter Hawkins has been developing teams for over 40 years in 50 countries across various sectors. He has worked with over 100 top executive teams and global organizations. Peter believes in creating teams that transcend individual abilities to thrive in a volatile and uncertain world. He collaborates with Dr. Catherine Carr on global research on developing teaming cultures in organizations.

Dr. Catherine Carr is a Leadership and Team Coach, author, and North American Lead for Systemic Team Coaching at Renewal Associates. With over 20 years of experience, she trains and supervises Team coaches globally and coaches teams across sectors. Catherine earned her doctorate in Leadership and Professional Coaching from Middlesex University, UK, in 2012 and received the Goulding Award for excellence in her field. She focuses on creating high-value teams and helping teams under pressure thrive. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Become a Certified Practitioner
so you can:

Learn to contract with a team and its stakeholders, addressing issues such as confidentiality. Help your team shape their development journey.

Apply the High Value Creating Team Questionnaire in a simulated team coaching scenario, to critically evaluate their effectiveness in gathering relevant data.

Analyze and formulate strategies to address the implications of team coaching on coaching contracts, with a focus on confidentiality aspects when the team is the client.

Use 'Self as Instrument' by actively employing physical senses, rational thought, intuition, and reflect on the effectiveness of these tools in a self-assessment report.

Demonstrate proficiency in the Hawkins' 5 Disciplines Model of team coaching, by coaching to each discipline.

Transition from working with team leaders to working with a client team at all levels of an organization.

Get certified to use Team Connect 360 diagnostic to gather team and stakeholder feedback in an efficient and illuminating way.

Create a comprehensive Systemic Team Coaching® contract for a client team, demonstrating an understanding of essential components and considerations. -  programs tde sales decor 1?v2 -  programs tde sales decor 2?v2 -  programs tde sales decor 3?v2

Engage in an intensive
and interactive
certification experience. -  programs noc ty included background
Experience this intensive program as you spend over 30 weeks becoming certified by Prof. Peter Hawkins and Dr. Catherine Carr in a live learning environment. Celebrate achievements with peers and receive expert guidance throughout this program.
Theory Sessions
Explore the theoretical foundations of each module through eight, 90-minute live sessions led by our esteemed Senior Faculty. Engage with Prof. Hawkins, Dr. Carr, Dr. Lines, Michael Cooper, and other experts as they present cutting-edge content, facilitate discussions, and provide invaluable insights to enhance your learning journey.
Gain access to over 20 Team Coaching tools designed to help you lead your teams towards success faster. Each tool is clearly outlined and demonstrated to give you the most effective ways to incorporate them into your practice and use right away.
Modules LIVE
Each module is comprised of a live theory session, supplementary tools, and readings. Every module is scheduled to offer an achievable pace while maximizing your learning experience.
Practicums LIVE
Transform your knowledge into action during 16 hours of facilitated practicums. Each module provides 2 hours of practicum activities giving you the opportunity to engage in collaborative working groups to refine your skills to confidently utilize them with teams.
Core Learning
Engage directly with Prof. Hawkins, Dr. Carr, Michael Cooper and the rest of the faculty during eight, 1-hour core learning sessions. Ask questions, engage in reflective practice, and learn the methodology by witnessing live supervision.
Claim up to 72 hours of learning towards Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) Units or deploy them towards Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC).
Claim up to 72 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Hours recognized by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) and earn a recommendation for Individual Team Coaching Accreditation (ITCA) at the Practitioner level (additional fees may apply).
Claim up to 72 Professional Development Credits recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management. -  logos icf logo The Practitioner is designed to meet the standards of AATC accreditation, enabling participants to deploy the learning and supervision hours towards the Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC) credential.* -  logos emcc logo EMCC members who complete both courses get a recommendation for the Individual Team Coaching Accreditation (ITCA) at the Practitioner Level* -  programs tde sales big review -  programs tde sales quote

We worked on the Executive Team itself and managing the connections between all of the team members.

That created a much greater ability to tackle more as well as creating an alignment - an executive team that looked and sounded much more aligned than we had previously been able to do.”

Alex Bristol

CEO at Skyguide

“Systemic Team Coaching® has given us a framework, a language, that transcends policies, procedures, guidelines, systems. It has given us a way to hold what needs to be held uniform across the globe and equally align the flexibility of what needs to be different to understand all the cultural norms and differences that one has operating around the world."” -  programs tde sales review sml 1 -  programs tde sales review sml 1 Ashley Wright
CEO, GHD -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner


Module Overview

The Systemic Team Coaching Practitioner Course comprises 8 comprehensive live Modules, 8 live Practicums, and 2 live Core Learning sessions, meticulously designed to enhance your coaching proficiency. This course aims to equip you with advanced skills in team coaching, enhancing your coaching repertoire, authority, presence, and impact. This enables you to drive meaningful transformation in team dynamics and achieve sustainable success. -  programs noc sales practitioner decor 3 -  programs noc sales practitioner decor 1 -  programs noc sales practitioner decor 2
Download the complete course schedule here. -  programs tde sales overview 1
live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

The Fundamentals of Systemic Team Coaching

In this Module, we recognize the essentiality for Systemic Team Coaches to cultivate empathy and rapport not only with team members but also with all stakeholders involved. Delve into the transition from a problem-based team coaching approach to a developmental one, fostering transformative shifts in behavior patterns, emotional climates, and underlying belief systems across four levels of engagement. Unlike traditional approaches, this module emphasizes the identification of systemic influences beyond interpersonal dynamics.

Participants will gain insights into understanding their own Authority, Presence, and Impact, learning to develop embodied authority, establish effective rapport within minutes, and make impactful impressions from the first meeting.

Additionally, explore the application of the Five Disciplines Model for scoping team coaching engagements and leverage the SIDER Model to design an effective inquiry phase.

In this module, you will:

  1. Examine why the world requires a systemic approach to Team Coaching.
  2. Outline the fundamental principles supporting our Systemic Team Coaching Approach.
  3. Employ the Five Disciplines Model to illustrate the factors influencing effectiveness and value creation.
  4. Showcase the practical application of the SIDER Model.
  5. Apply the model of Authority, Presence, and Impact to enhance personal development as a Systemic Team Coach. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 1
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

The Fundamentals of Systemic Team Coaching Practicum

Practicum 1 kicks off a collaborative learning journey, focusing on community building and dynamic group formation. Through introductions and co-coaching pairs, participants establish learning alliances and team agreements, fostering a supportive environment. Sharing individual learning objectives adds depth to the collective purpose. The session wraps up with a plenary and poll, ensuring every voice is heard in this interactive learning space. This practicum lays the groundwork for participants to connect, collaborate, and thrive in their learning journey. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #1

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min


In this Module, we address the common challenge of clients not fully grasping the nature and potential value of team coaching or systemic team coaching. Explore strategies to transition from conducting standalone events for clients to embarking on a comprehensive team coaching journey. Learn how to effectively engage client leaders and teams in systemic team coaching, establishing a shared understanding and commitment from the outset. Dive into the essential steps of initial scoping and contracting, ensuring clarity and alignment in the coaching process. Map out a tailored team coaching journey that meets the unique needs and goals of the client organization. Develop proficiency in inquiry methods, including the use of questionnaires and interviews, to gather valuable insights and facilitate meaningful discussions. Additionally, participants will receive training and licensing to utilize the TeamConnect 360 platform, enhancing coaching effectiveness and impact.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Explore the systemic team coaching process; what does a typical team coaching program look like? Start developing your systemic team coaching practice.
  2. Understand how to conduct an informative co-inquiry process and the necessary contracting that needs to take place before the inquiry.
  3. Apply the team mapping process to assist the team in identifying stakeholders through a stakeholder mapping process.
  4. Learn how to use Team Connect 360 for co-discovery.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to make sense of data and co-design the development journey. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 2
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

Co-Inquiry Practicum

This practicum provides a concise yet comprehensive exploration, allowing participants to define their team's purpose, apply Module 2 knowledge, refine interview techniques, and share valuable insights. Participants delve into stakeholder interview techniques to enhance their skills. The session culminates with a plenary where individuals share their learning and key takeaways. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #2

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

The Commissioning Discipline

In this module, delve into the realm of Stakeholder-Centric Team Coaching. Learn how to guide teams in mapping stakeholder requirements to grasp the systemic nature of their purpose and commission fully. Navigate the fine balance between traditional coaching and consulting roles, fostering collaborative inquiry processes with the entire team and their stakeholders. Discover effective strategies for initiating team coaching interventions, even in the absence of full team engagement. Experience the transformative power of jointly discovering a common purpose, aligning team commitment, and fostering collaboration for sustained success.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Gain an understanding of how to coach the team's discovery of their common purpose in relation to stakeholder expectations.
  2. Apply Three Horizon Thinking with your own team. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 3
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

The Commissioning Discipline Practicum

Practicum 3 delves into the art of transforming teams into co-creative entities that exceed individual contributions. Participants apply insights gained from Module 3, emphasizing coaching with systemic reframing. The session concludes with a plenary where participants share their key learnings and takeaways, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. This practicum is a pivotal step in cultivating teams that synergize and surpass the sum of their individual strengths.

Course Schedule -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #3

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

The Clarifying Discipline

In this Module, we address the challenge of unproductivity stemming from confusion within teams regarding their collective strategy, objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs), roles, processes, behavioral norms, and expectations. Learn strategies to help teams build a shared purpose and define desired outcomes through genuine co-creation by all members.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Facilitate the co-development of a team charter using transformational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and case studies.
  2. Explore the utilization and leadership of a team collective build process, empowering teams to collaboratively generate and take ownership of key aspects of their team charter.
  3. Apply the Collective Build Framework in a team-building and strategy event. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 4
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

The Clarifying Discipline Practicum

Practicum 4 delves into understanding the team's purpose and beneficiaries, integrating insights from Module 4. Participants immerse themselves in the "Stepping into Stakeholder Shoes" exercise, gaining a holistic perspective. The session wraps up with a plenary where participants share their learning, takeaways, and insights through a poll. This practicum ensures a focused exploration of the team's service role, promoting shared understanding and collective reflections. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #4

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

Coaching the Team - Live & Virtual

In this Module, we tackle the challenge of ensuring that coaching efforts translate into meaningful impact within the everyday workings of teams. Discover the transformative power of coaching alongside teams in their day-to-day operations, enhancing the transferability and impact of coaching interventions while minimizing time away from work for busy team members. Explore essential tools and interventions for team coaches, focusing on the core 'how' of team coaching. Learn to coach teams to conduct far more effective meetings by employing a variety of different 'time-outs', optimizing team dynamics and productivity.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Utilize nudges, reframes, and feedback effectively in live coaching sessions.
  2. Articulate the advantages of conducting real-time coaching with teams.
  3. Excel in coaching virtual team meetings with mastery and precision. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 5
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

Coaching the Team Live in their Meetings both Face-to-Face and in Virtual Meetings Practicum

Practicum 5 centers around the concept of being a learning team, concentrating on the integration of insights gained from Module 5. Participants engage in a timeline learning review with their team, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. The session culminates in a plenary where participants share their key learnings, takeaways, and contribute to a poll, ensuring a collective reflection on the valuable insights gained. This practicum encapsulates the essence of collaborative learning, empowering participants to synthesize knowledge effectively. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #5

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

The Co-Creating Discipline

In this Module, delve into the crucial concept of psychological safety within teams. Explore how the absence of psychological safety hinders members from fully leveraging their strengths for optimal team performance. Learn to identify and address unproductive conflict, unhealthy team dynamics, and dysfunctional team cultures that arise due to the lack of psychological safety. Discover strategies to cultivate an environment where team members feel empowered to contribute their ideas, take risks, and collaborate effectively.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Facilitate the understanding and application of the team's purpose and strategy, ensuring that team members can articulate and integrate these into their daily activities and decision-making processes.
  2. Educate the team on the concept of psychological safety, analyze its impact on team performance, and develop practical strategies for fostering a safe and supportive team environment.
  3. Coach the team to identify and evaluate sources of conflict and tension, and apply conflict resolution techniques to manage and mitigate these issues effectively.
  4. Develop methods to help the team recognize, appreciate, and effectively utilize the diverse talents and contributions of each member, thereby enhancing teamwork and productivity.
  5. Implement techniques that encourage open communication and bring unspoken issues to the forefront, thus promoting transparency and trust within the team. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 6
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

The Co-Creating Discipline Practicum

Practicum 6 culminates the program, emphasizing the synthesis of learning and strategic planning for the future. Participants engage in reviewing and integrating their overall learning, enhancing their development plans. The session also includes a celebration, marking the end of the journey with a sense of accomplishment. This practicum encapsulates a reflective and forward-looking approach, preparing participants for their next steps in personal and professional growth. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #6

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 90 min

The Connecting Discipline: Managing Stakeholder Relationships

In this Module, explore critical aspects of team dynamics that can impact organizational leadership and stakeholder engagement. Investigate instances where teams may overlook their collective leadership role within the organization, leading to missed opportunities and potential inefficiencies. Address the challenge of teams becoming overly internally focused, hindering their ability to effectively engage with external stakeholders. Learn strategies to enhance partnerships with key stakeholder groups through targeted coaching, leadership development exercises, and stakeholder engagement techniques. Discover methods to incorporate stakeholder perspectives into team discussions and decision-making processes, fostering a more inclusive and impactful approach to leadership. Facilitate exercises to ensure that agreed-upon actions translate into tangible leadership actions beyond the team, promoting alignment and effectiveness in external interactions.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Develop and demonstrate methods for the team to effectively engage with stakeholders, focusing on planning and conducting interactive live events that foster mutual understanding and collaboration.
  2. Teach the team to recognize and analyze their emotional responses towards stakeholders, and devise strategies to manage these emotions to enhance stakeholder engagement.
  3. Implement a structured approach for facilitating live sessions, emphasizing the application of techniques that encourage active participation and constructive dialogue between the team and stakeholders.
  4. Educate the team on the ecological aspects of their work environment, encouraging them to analyze how these factors impact their operations and integrate this awareness into their decision-making process.
  5. Guide the team in understanding and evaluating inter-team relationships, and develop collaborative strategies to form an integrated 'team of teams' that leverages collective strengths and resources. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 7
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

Co-Creating Discipline Practicum

The Practicum sessions are structured to blend theoretical learning with practical application, providing a comprehensive and interactive experience. At the beginning of the course, you will be asked to select and join one of the Practicum Groups, depending on which time suits you the most. Each group is made up of 25 participants. As part of your first Practicum session, you will be randomly broken into Learning Groups of 8. This will be your Team for the rest of the course.

Each session begins with an introduction, followed by a core activity, and concludes with a plenary session for sharing insights and reflections. These sessions are designed to be interactive, fostering a deep engagement with the material and peers, ensuring that participants not only learn the concepts but also apply them effectively in their team coaching endeavors.

The Practicum Leader, along with the Assistant, will guide the session to ensure everyone has the opportunity to voice their questions, share their experiences, and receive feedback from the group. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #7

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Core-Learning; Review, Transition and Integration

In this Module, we confront the imperative for teams to adapt and learn at a pace exceeding the rate of change in their environment. We explore strategies to ensure that team coaching remains effective even after the coach's direct involvement concludes. Participants will learn how to enhance their collective capacity to achieve more with limited resources by fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within the team. Addressing the need for integration, this module facilitates the seamless blending of coaching modules and empowers teams to support each other's growth through embedded learning processes such as Action-Action Review, Bebrief-Debrief, and peer coaching. Furthermore, participants will gain proficiency in utilizing Systemic Team Coaching and the Five Disciplines Model in an integrated, fluid, and flexible manner. By the end of the module, participants will leave equipped with a concrete plan for advancing their development journey to new heights of effectiveness and impact.

Key Learning Takeaways:

  1. Develop strategies to coach the team on fundamental principles of effective learning, ensuring they understand and apply these concepts in their teamwork.
  2. Guide the team in developing self-coaching skills by understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and applying self-reflective practices.
  3. Teach the team to use and analyze the team contribution grid, evaluating its effectiveness in enhancing team performance and collaboration.
  4. Illustrate and discuss the significance of core learning disciplines, encouraging the team to integrate these disciplines in their daily interactions and problem-solving processes.
  5. Develop and present a comprehensive plan for designing and implementing STC assignments that challenge the team's understanding and application of learning principles.
  6. Facilitate sessions that enable the team to identify and analyze their learning patterns, evaluate factors that hinder their learning, and create strategies to enhance their learning efficiency.
  7. Introduction to the Senior Practitioner Program. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Practicum 8
live -  programs tde sales clock 120 min

Core Learning Discipline and Review Process Practicum

The Practicum sessions are structured to blend theoretical learning with practical application, providing a comprehensive and interactive experience. At the beginning of the course, you will be asked to select and join one of the Practicum Groups, depending on which time suits you the most. Each group is made up of 25 participants. As part of your first Practicum session, you will be randomly broken into Learning Groups of 8. This will be your Team for the rest of the course.

Each session begins with an introduction, followed by a core activity, and concludes with a plenary session for sharing insights and reflections. These sessions are designed to be interactive, fostering a deep engagement with the material and peers, ensuring that participants not only learn the concepts but also apply them effectively in their team coaching endeavors.

The Practicum Leader, along with the Assistant, will guide the session to ensure everyone has the opportunity to voice their questions, share their experiences, and receive feedback from the group. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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live -  programs tde sales clock 60 min

Core Learning Session #8

The LIVE Core Learning sessions are dynamic forums dedicated to integrating acquired knowledge, concluding key learning points, and preparing participants for the next phase of their journey. These sessions provide an interactive platform for participants to seek clarification, share insights, and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. -  programs tde sales btn icon

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Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner


Systemic Team Coaching
Practitioner Certification Pricing

swipe to view options

    • Number of Weeks
    • Number of Modules
    • LIVE Practicum Sessions (8 x 120min)
      with trained Facilitators
    • LIVE Q&A Sessions
      with Prof. Peter Hawkins and Dr. Catherine Carr
    • EMCC CPD Hours
      with recommendation for ITCA at Foundation Level
    • SHRM PDCs
    • ICF Hours
      Claim up to 72 hours as CCEUs or towards ACTC qualification.
    • Client-facing Tools
    • Designation Upon Completion
    • Membership Area with:

      - Video & Audio Recordings

      - Exercises

      - Readings

      - Workbooks

      - Knowledge Checks
    • Exclusive Coach Community Access

    $750 One Time Payment

    Choose your plan

    Super Early Bird Pricing Ends In: - https: wp content uploads 2024 02 image 3

      Everything in Team Development Essentials PLUS Practitioner Certification

      • 32 Weeks
      • 8
      • 16 Hours
      • 8 Hours
      • 72 CPD Hours
      • 72 PDCs
      • 72 Hours
      • 20 Tools
      • Certified Practitioner in
        Systemic Team Coaching®
      • $7,994
        Full Price
      • $3,997 Pay in full
      Add to Cart
      • $1,034/mo
        Regular Price
      • $517/mo 8 payments
      Add to Cart

      Choose your plan

      Super Early Bird Pricing Ends In: - programs tde sales payments

      Payment options available

      Money Back Guarantee

      ver 90% of our Systemic Team Coaching Practitioner attendees have stated that they would recommend this course to a friend. We are confident that you will also find outstanding value in it. That's why we are pleased to offer you a Money-Back Guarantee. You have the option to request a full refund within 14 days from the start of the course if you decide to discontinue for any reason. -  programs tde sales stamp
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      Frequently Asked Questions

      Questions coaches
      ask about the
      Course: -  programs noc sales people 6 -  programs noc sq people 5 -  programs noc sq people 6

      Frequently Asked Questions

      If your question isn’t answered in the list below, please feel free to email us at

      1. What is the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course schedule?

      The course consists of 8 Modules sessions led by Prof. Peter Hawkins, Dr. Catherine Carr, and respective Faculty, 8 Practicum sessions led by trained and experienced team coaches, 8 Core Learning Sessions which are a combination of Q&A, case study and demo presentations, and optional Group Supervision sessions (additional fees may apply).

      The course is 8 months, and officially starts with the Module 1 session on October 9th, 2024, and ends on May 28th, 2025.

      2. Who is the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course for?

      This course has been designed to suit experienced coaches, who want to develop their own, unique approach to team coaching. The core models provide a language client teams can easily understand and apply both with the coach and when the coach has gone. If you enjoy helping people find elegant solutions to complex situations, you will find that this course radically enhances your toolkit.

      3. What are the prerequisites for joining the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course?

      To be accepted into the Practitioner level, you need to have completed either the Team Development Essentials or a foundations team coaching certification course, and have at least 6 months of hands-on experience coaching a team.

      4. How is Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner different from other programs/courses?

      The Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner Certification brings together the top names and key authorities in the field and offers a flexible live-online learning environment.

      The course incorporates the latest research globally into teaming and team coaching and is among the first to be accredited against international standards for team coaching. It synthesizes a wide range of approaches to provide new team coaches with the confidence and competence to tackle many common issues faced by teams. It enables them to recognize the limits of their current competence and create a challenging but realistic personal learning plan to grow into the team coach role.

      The emphasis on systemic approaches provides the team coach with a much wider portfolio of responses and ways forward than the typical linear models. It challenges many assumptions about teams and team coaching, allowing you to develop your own, unique, evidence-based practice.

      We aim to provide the highest quality of training to create top team coaches who can make a difference not just to their clients but to the wider social world.

      5. I’m already certified in team coaching, how will this course help me?

      By taking the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course you will be able to take your current work to a deeper level, extending the impact you and your client teams achieve.

      This course was designed to help you gain new perspectives on team coaching from the world’s foremost experts on the topic along with their global faculty. Coaches, who attend this course will be able to sell and deliver a more complete package of support to organizations – integrating the development of the leader and his or her team.

      Successfully transitioning to team coach typically also enhances and speeds up the journey towards personal and coach maturity – the perspective that comes with team coaching competence has positive impacts across the whole of a person’s socio-emotional and cognitive identity.

      Team coaching is evolving so fast that refresher training is essential to keep up. You will also have an opportunity to enhance your network of team coach colleagues, whom you can draw upon for large assignments.

      6. How much time do I need to build into my calendar for the course?

      In terms of sessions, the course consists of 4.5 hours of sessions per month.

      Each month you will experience a:

      Week 1 – 90-minute Module session to unveil new concepts and tools with selected Faculty

      Week 2 – 120-minute Practicum sessions with a trained and experienced team coaching Facilitators

      Week 3 – 60-min Core Learning session to ask questions, analyze case studies or participate in demos with selected Faculty

      Week 4 – Reading week for additional reading materials, homework and catching up if required.

      There’s also some preparation, practice, self-study, and homework which amounts to approximately 7 hours per month.

      7. Is there a title I will obtain upon completing the graduation requirements?

      Upon completing the graduation requirements, graduates of the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner will earn the designation Certified Practitioner in Systemic Team Coaching®.

      8. Is the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?

      Yes! The Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course is designed to meet the International Coaching Federation (ICF) standards of Continuing Coach Education (CCE) accreditation, and Advanced Accreditation in Team Coaching (AATC) accreditation.

      You can claim up to 72 CCE Units towards renewing one of ICF’s credentials – ACC, PCC or MCC. Please click here to learn more about the individual accreditation process.

      Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to deploy the learning and supervision hours towards the Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC) credential offered by the ICF. Additional fees may apply, please click here to learn more about the ACTC process.

      9. Is the Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)?

      Yes! The Systemic Team Coaching® Practitioner course is accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) with the EMCC Global Quality Award (EQA) accreditation, with which you can receive the CPD Hours, as well as apply for one of the Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) awards.

      Participants who complete the graduation requirements will get a recommendation for the EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) at the Practitioner Level, and may be eligible for a higher EMCC Global Individual Accreditation – Senior Practitioner accreditation should they wish to pursue one. Added fees may apply.

      10. Is it possible to speak to a team member?

      Absolutely yes. Please call +415 228 6857 to speak with a team member.

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